Things To Remember When Placing A Buddha Statue In Your Home/Workplace

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You don't have to be a devout Buddhist to savor the peace and tranquilly that being in the presence of a Buddha statue may provide. The Buddha means ‘The Enlightened One’, and Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, was believed to have attained a state of perfect wisdom and balance with the forces of nature.

Having a Buddha statue in your home or at your workplace can positively stimulate all elements of your life, strengthening all weak elements and increasing positivity in your life. The ancient sciences of Feng Shui and Vastu both have a lot to say regarding the exact placement of the statue in your home/office in order to optimise the chi, or flow of vital life energy throughout your home.

Here Are A Few Things To Consider While Placing A Buddha Statue In Your Home/Workplace:

  • Never put the statue down on the ground. It should always be placed on a pedestal and treated with the respect that the Master deserves.
  • If you're going to put the statue on a shelf, make sure it's not overcrowded with less important stuff.
  • The statue should be placed higher than the rest of the room's other important items.
  • The energy of the statue will be decreased or blocked if it is placed near a refrigerator or a heavy storage cabinet.
  • Generally, the Buddha's shrine and statue should be facing east.
  • A Buddha statue should never be kept in the bedroom or bathroom.
  • Keep the area around the statue spotless at all times. To clean the air around it, light candles or incense sticks.
  • Make sure the statue is facing the inside of the room and not facing the outside. The Laughing Buddha is an exception, as it can be put at the entryway to fend off negative energy.

Here Are Various Forms Of Buddha Mudras And What They Exactly Signify

1. Meditation Buddha

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Here, Buddha is in Meditation, with his palms in his lap and his legs crossed in the lotus position. Buddha's eyes are either partly closed with a slight opening, or entirely closed, and his face conveys calmness and peace.

Where To Place:

This statue should be placed in your prayer or meditation area. If you don't have a definite location for it, put it somewhere pleasant where you can rest and de-stress.

2. Blessing Buddha

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When Buddha raises his right hand in a blessing gesture, it symbolises courage and provides protection from fear and illusions. The statue of the Protection Buddha can be seated or standing.

Where To Place:

Vastu recommends that this statue should be positioned in any regions of the house that need healing or as a treatment for a Vastu flaw.

3. Reclining Buddha

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The reclining Buddha portrays the Shakyamuni Buddha's final moments of illness, with his head supported by the right hand. The statue has a deep meaning, as it portrays the compassion that comes with enlightenment and the potential for release from the cycle of rebirth.

Where To Place:

The statue should be placed lying on the right side, facing West.

4. Medicine Buddha

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Here Buddha is in a mudra where he is seating holding a bowl of herbs in his left hand, resting on his lap. The right hand faces down with the fingers extended toward the ground and the palm outward.

Where To Place:

The medicine Buddha is adored by people seeking a boon of good health because it represents health and healing. While it is more usually found in temples, there is no reason why it cannot be used in your home or office. Give it a prominent location where it will receive respect and attention.

5. Laughing Buddha

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This rotund, pot-bellied mudra of Buddha in his later years is probably the most recognized form of Gautam Buddha in the West. It is believed to bring happiness and prosperity to your home and workplace. Rubbing the belly is supposed to usher in more abundance to your life.

Where To Place:

According to Feng Shui, the Laughing Buddha should be put in front of the main door to increase positive energy and bring luck and fortune to your family. For increased peace and contentment, place the idol towards the east.

Creating Your Own Zen Garden Is A Perfect Idea

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If you have ample space on your terrace or garden, a Zen garden with a statue of the Meditating Buddha atop a waterfall and plants all around can be built. The sound of babbling water and the surrounding lush green foliage make this the ideal location for everyday meditation.

When doing this, it’s very important to make sure that the Buddha is placed at the highest level of the ground, and is given a respectful position. You may light candles and burn incense sticks in front of the idol to enhance the energy in this space.

For more Landscape and Interior décor ideas, do reach out to the Esthetic Planner’s. We’re always ready to help you create the space of your dreams!

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